Following today’s announcement that Bloodhound Programme Limited has gone into Administration and is seeking the necessary investment to enable the project to achieve its objectives, the separate company Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd confirms that its comprehensive range of inspirational STEM education activities based on the world land speed record BLOODHOUND Project will continue as usual. This includes educational visits and workshops, and education-related events.
Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd is a registered charity whose mission is to inspire a generation of students to explore and get involved in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Its STEM education campaign has reached over 2 million children since the launch of the BLOODHOUND Project, including 120,000 schoolchildren in the UK each year. The charity is funded through donations and partnerships with a range of STEM companies and associated organisations, such as IMechE, and supported by individual and corporate volunteers.
“The BLOODHOUND Project and the Car provide a focus for many of our educational activities and generate huge excitement among teachers, children and parents,” said Chris Fairhead, Chairman of Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd. “Our CEO Kirsty Allpress and the Bloodhound Education Team, including our Education Ambassadors and other volunteers, are looking forward to taking this inspirational story into many more schools and colleges over the coming years, exciting children with workshops based around building rocket cars, as well as other related technologies such as coding and 3D printing.”
Bloodhound SSC Education provides workshops at schools, colleges and clubs, and at the Project’s Bristol headquarters. It also exhibits at events such as New Scientist Live and World Skills with its full-size show car and interactive displays. In addition, it provides a wide range of unique learning resources, including free downloadable activities.
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About Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd
Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd is a registered charity (no 1167382). It runs the BLOODHOUND Education Programme.
Working alongside the Project, it has engaged with over 120,000 students in the UK alone in 2017 and has delivered BLOODHOUND Education inspiration to over 2 million students. 65% of students engaged by the BLOODHOUND Education Programme would now consider engineering or science as a vocation (sample size: 1,804). Applications to study engineering at university have substantially increased as a result of the BLOODHOUND Project (sources: University of West of England; Swansea University).
For further details, please contact:
Kirsty Allpress, CEO of Bloodhound SSC Education Ltd
Email: kirsty.allpress@BLOODHOUNDeducation.com