

The Bloodhound Project BLOODHOUND for parents

Welcome to the BLOODHOUND website. Here you should be able to find everything you need to know about this UK-led, global Project to build a supersonic car that will not only beat the current World Land Speed Record, but also smash the 1,000mph barrier.

About the Car

If you want to know what BLOODHOUND SSC is, this video is a great introduction to the Car and the Project.


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You can also find out more about the car and where the record will be attempted in the Project section of our website:

And there are lots of fun facts for kids (and adults!) in our infographics.


Now you’ve found out about the Car and the World Land Speed Record, how about doing some fun related activities with your children? We’ve got loads of ideas in our Education section – they are described as "Learning resources" and are just as good to use at home as in school. 

You can also pick up some great value projects in our online shop. We’ve got a BLOODHOUD activity sheet, where children can see the Car and design their own record-breaking car, card models of BLOODHOUND that can be slotted together or a pop-out card model kit and a balloon car kit.


Although most of the events we organise for children happen within individual schools or groups, we sometimes take our full-size model of BLOODHOUND to special events. We also run fun rocket car building sessions at the BLOODHOUND Technical Centre in school holidays. So keep an eye on our Events page for events happening near you and at the BTC.

Sign up for the BLOODHOUND newsletter to be kept up to date with events and other Project news.

Other stuff

If you want to get more involved in the BLOODHOUND Project, there are several things you can do: