We have recently received an email from Chew Stoke Primary School about their recent BLOODHOUND activity ...
In all the times that I have visited our primary school (Chew Stoke Church Primary School) I don’t think that I have even seen the pupils as enthralled and animated as when they were visited by our local Bloodhound Ambassador (Kevin Slater) recently. There were two sessions for the children; the morning session was for Year 5 and the afternoon session was for year 6 and the level of excitement was high for both sessions! After introductions the groups watched a brief (and excellent) film about the Bloodhound project.
I think the film gave the children a good feel for the project as well as lots of interesting information and an introduction to Richard Noble and Andy Green. There were then lively question and answer sessions and the children were thrilled to hear that some parts of the gear-box for the car are actually being made by Kevin in his workshop in Chew Stoke!
After that we set about building our models of the supersonic car and, when that was done, we all went to the school hall and raced the model cars. It was chaotic and noisy but huge fun.
I know that the children will remember the day for a long time and here are some of the things they wrote about the experience:
“I want to go to the HQ in Bristol because I want to see how it looks inside the car” – Oliver
“I would like to learn more about the project and maybe watch the car on the salt lake trying to break the record. It would be nice if you could come in and do another project with us” – Flora
“I took it (the model car) home and my Mum and Dad and my brother were very interested in it. I showed them where the gearbox will be. Brilliant. Thank you” – Millie
“I’m not usually really excited about cars but I’m excited about the Bloodhound project!” – Jess
“I liked building the cars. Mine was rubbish. I probably need to do some more work” – Charlie”
(pictures reproduced with kind permission from the school)