

The Bloodhound Project Richard Noble at the Institute of Directors

Richard Noble at the Institute of Directors

Event News
Thursday, 19 May, 2011

The feedback from the talk by Richard Noble on the 1,000 mph land speed record project at the IoD Conference was fantastic. The £10k sponsorship entry point for SME’s who would normally have no access to major events and teams struck an immediate accord. 

The agility of the SME market that Richard described was demonstrated immediately. Negotiations on sponsorship deals normally take a minimum of six months and often more than a year.  Immediately following the event the Bloodhound SSC project had tangible offers of both financial and product support.  Within a week we were being chased by companies to send contracts for signature.  Entrepreneurs recognised the opportunity and acted on it with a speed large corporations could only dream of.  They also described innovative approaches to promote their businesses and encourage youth into science maths and engineering utilising the Bloodhound SSC brand demonstrating a real understanding of the use of technology and social networks to generate business.  It was interesting to see that the twitter comments on the presentations at the conference where more insightful and hit the streets long before even the London evening press.

The Bloodhound SSC project is focussed on innovation and challenging the norm.  The success of the SME sponsorship and the way that these companies will utilise the brand demonstrates real agility and innovation, the very things that will help the recovery of the country.

If you would like to know more about sponsorship opportunities please email ian.glover@bloodhoundssc.com

 Ian Glover, May 2011