Delcam is the world's largest computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) specialist software provider. Delcam's range of design, manufacturing and inspection software provides complete, automated CADCAM solutions, to take complex-shaped products from concept to reality. The largest developer of product design and manufacturing software in the UK, and with subsidiaries in North America, Europe and Asia, Delcam software is used by more than 45,000 organisations in over 80 countries.
Delcam is hugely excited to be part of the Bloodhound SSC adventure. Having been awarded six Queen's Awards for Enterprise and Innovation, Delcam shares the same passion as the Bloodhound team for pushing the boundaries of engineering technologies. With the launch of Delcam University in 2013, and as hosts of the annual Global CAM Competition for students, Delcam also shares the same educational objectives as Bloodhound SSC and recognises the need to inspire the next generation of engineers. Finally, with many Delcam customers manufacturing critical parts for the Bloodhound SSC project, Delcam is proud that its CADCAM technologies will contribute to a new World Land Speed Record!