UWE Bristol (University of the West of England) is a university that believes in partnership to the benefit of the student and staff experience. It sees The BLOODHOUND Project as an ideal way of creating opportunities for its staff and students as well as being an inspirational engineering project.
UWE became involved with The BLOODHOUND Project very early on when Dr John Lanham, Head of Department of Design & Engineering assisted John Piper, The BLOODHOUND Project’s Chief Engineer, establish a base at UWE for the early design work and access to UWE resources. Subsequently UWE has produced the scale model of the car for the launch.
The early construction of the initial full sized mock up of BLOODHOUND SSC will also take place on UWE’s Frenchay Campus in one of the department’s laboratories.
UWE has set up and is leading a Higher Education programme, BLOODHOUND@University, which will provide academics and students with access to The BLOODHOUND Project and it expects its own 5,000 Faculty of Environment and Technology students to benefit directly from having BLOODHOUND SSC on the premises and easy access to the project and its data. BLOODHOUND@University will develop a suite of case studies and other activities drawing upon the project. Additionally UWE aims to research how new learning methodologies can exploit such an open and inspiring project, with all its challenges in terms of sustainability and engineering excellence.
UWE is also involved as follows:
• James Burch a lecturer in architecture has produced the designs and drawings for the Education Centre
• Professor Jim Longhurst, from UWE’s Institute of Sustainability Health and Environment is providing advice and guidance on the sustainability issues and opportunities arising from the project
• UWE has used its strong partnerships to provide openings for the project, including the relationship with BAe and Regional and Local authorities
• UWE has advised on the Education aspects of the project through its school of education and sees The BLOODHOUND Project providing a breathtaking experience for schools and colleges in the region
As an engaged, enterprising and accessible university, UWE shares the values of this iconic engineering adventure.