We have received this report from the teachers and children at Joy Lane Primary School (above) - they won our Primary Engineer competition and received a visit from BLOODHOUND SSC driver, Wing Commander Andy Green ...
Wednesday, 29th February, 2012 was a truly special ‘leap’ day for all at Joy Lane Primary School. We were privileged to meet Wing Commander Andy Green; fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force and the current holder of the World Land Speed Record (held by Thrust SSC at 763 mph!)
As part of the Science Club, lead by Miss Bell and Ms Curtis, children have been learning about the scientific and engineering challenges of making cars and rockets travel.
Air rockets
The winning air rocket
Making a balloon car
Water rocket
Science Club display
They have also followed the ‘Bloodhound SSC Engineering Adventure’, which aims to shatter the current record by developing an even faster supersonic car. The objective is to reach 1000mph.
We were amazed to hear that the supersonic car would just fit diagonally into our school hall at 13 metres.
Pupils were delighted to notice the colours match the colours in our school logo – the Oyster Catcher!
As winners of a National Competition through Primary Engineer, the Science Club children were able to question Wing Commander Green about the project and learn even more about his ultimate challenge. Children and adults alike were enthralled by his explanations of the preparations for the adventure. For example the track, a dried-up lake bed in S Africa, has been cleared of even the tiniest stones by hand. We were even promised a special wave to the camera when the record is attempted next year.
Gifts and paintings were presented to the Wing Commander, who signed autographs in return.
The past with Thrust SSC
The future in Bloodhound SSC
The present
The school was truly buzzing after the inspirational visit, with a range of comments from the children:
One wide-eyed Y1 boy commented “I met the fastest man in the world” and David in Y5 was inspired to aim for his own goals in life, no matter how difficult and challenging they may seem at first.
The main sentiments:-
- What a 'car' - so many firsts and so much to plan and develop.
- Good luck with the endeavour - what an achievement it will be and please remember to give us a wave.
- Andy Green is very brave but the pupils wanted him to stay safe.
- The older children really latched onto the idea of 'MAKING your dreams come true'.