Lord Drayson, Minister of State for Science and Innovation visited the Bloodhound workshop at the University of the West of England (UWE) on March 11th and launched BLOODHOUND@University, a new education resource for engineering students and lecturers.
He was shown round the workshop by BLOODHOUND Engineering Director, John Piper where he saw for the first time the mock-up of the car machined by Visioneering and the cockpit built by UWE students.
Recent progress on the mock-up shows the cockpit and a dummy rocket engine. Lord Drayson discussed the progress with Richard Noble.
Here, Lord Drayson talks to John Piper about progress on the mock-up.
The day began with talks to 100 year 10 and 11 school students by Richard Noble and then being shown round the workshops and meeting Lord Drayson. After lunch, Lord Drayson addressed students from the University of the West of England.
He spoke of his excitement about both the BLOODHOUND project and the BLOODHOUND@University initiative. His talk was relayed via the internet to students watching at the Universities of Southampton and Swansea. Richard Noble followed with a project update, showing video clips and the latest CAD images of the car.
The web facilities were used to the full, relaying talks by Dr John Lanham from UWE, Dr Ben Evans from Swansea University and Dr Kenji Takeda from the University of Southampton to all three locations.
In the evening, employers, VIPs and business leaders from Bristol had the opportunity to see the workshops and hear Richard’s talk too .