This was a different sort of session from my usual ones, in that it was at a comprehensive school, my first, and it was in the evening.
I had been invited to Matravers School’s STEM Fair, an event attended by over a hundred pupils and parents. After a brief introduction to the evening by Miss Ventner, who had invited me, those attending were free to explore the various activities on display. I soon had a group of youngsters building balloon-powered cars and for the next hour and a quarter or so there were never less than a dozen people - pupils and parents - all busy building and testing cars.
Miss Ventner had ensured that one side of the hall was kept clear, so that we had somewhere to run the cars. It never fails to amaze me that a group of people given identical components and equipment can produce such a wide range of efficiency in their cars. Some cars failed to leave the starting line, some crept just a metre or two and some set off across the floor as if they knew what they were meant to be doing.
The best car of the evening travelled nine metres. The owner, James, was very pleased to be presented with a Bloodhound poster signed by Andy Green.
Once again I had a thoroughly enjoyable, if very busy, time and would like to thank Miss Ventner for inviting me.
Chris Henley
Bloodhound Ambassador