

The Bloodhound Project

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balloon cars

and another 1,000 balloon cars

Monday, 14 September, 2009 - 14:39

The BLOODHOUND Team and Education Ambassadors took the show car to a hangar in Wiltshire over the weekend of 12th and 13th September - it was the Science Museum's Festival of Innovation. The show car was the centre of attraction, placed right in front of a Constellation aircraft, and very soon the Education Team and Ambassadors were extremely busy helping children (and parents!) building and testing the BLOODHOUND balloon car.

Imagineering Fair - Balloon cars at the ready!

Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 - 13:17

August Bank Holiday 2009 and the BLOODHOUND team were taking part at the Imagineering Fair at the Country Festival held at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The full size show car was there proudly overseeing the event, along with the 1/10 scale model and the cutaway rocket engine.

However, the major attraction at this show was the activity developed by the Education Team - children of all ages all wanted to build and test their balloon cars!

The pictures really tell the story ...

